Church Life - URCwalsall

Walsall churches in the West Midlands Synod
■ Blakenall
■ Broadway
Walsall & West Birmingham pastorate
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Bible Study and related activities play a significant part in the life of our church.  Meeting on a monthly basis, the Tuesday Group has been following a study course, while a Thursday afternoon Bible Study is currently focussing on the Acts of the Apostles.

Charity Support - Church members support a wide range of different charities, local, national & international through our Christian Concern donations and by donating the proceeds from the annual Broadway Fair.  Members also take part in the annual house-to-house collection on behalf of Christian Aid.

Choir Practice takes place weekly before morning service or on a Friday evening.  In addition to preparing music for weekly services, choristers also rehearse anthems & cantatas for special services and major festivals.

Church Meeting is the decision-making body for local churches in the URC and those received in to Church Membership by transfer or confession of faith are entitled to vote on issues raised here.  At our regular meetings, we aim to discern God's will in matters affecting the whole life of the church - spirtual, pastoral & financial.

Elders Meeting is where a small team of those ordained to the office of Elder share with the Minister the responsibility for pastoral care of the local congregation, provision of public worship, financial oversight of the local church, and Christian education.
Home Communion is available to those who, because of age, illness or infirmity, find it difficult to get to church.

Music features prominently in our church life, not only during services but also in concerts and organ recitals normally arranged on Saturdays which are open to the public.  The latter attract distinguished organists from around the country to play our four-manual pipe-organ.

Pins & Needles is a group of ladies who meet fornightly on a Wednesday morning to use their haberdashery skills to produce church banners and items for sale that raise money for church funds.

Prayer Chain - The elders operate an email alert system to make the congregation aware of any member of our church community who is in special need, and for whom prayers can be offered.

Social Events -  A number of social & fund-raising events are arranged during the year, including coffee mornings, jumble sales, quiz evenings, a summer barbecue, etc.

Youth Fellowship meets on alternate Sunday evenings, for secondary/college aged students.
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