Glebe Centre - URCwalsall

Walsall churches in the West Midlands Synod
■ Blakenall
■ Broadway
Walsall & West Birmingham pastorate
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The Glebe Centre is a multi-functional hub from where a variety of services are delivered that serve vulnerable adults in Walsall.  The skilled and friendly staff and volunteers work with a variety of individuals with differing needs.  At the Centre service users present with an array of problems such as:
  • Homelessness
  • Mental Health
  • Drugs
  • Alcohol
  • Unemployment
  • Associated issues

Support workers are available to provide advice and information on health issues, training, employment and substance misuse issues and offer general support and advice on a one to one basis.  We also deliver a needle exchange facility.  There is a laundry and male & female showers so that service users have access to cleaning facilities and a clothing room giving access to a clean change of clothes.  We supply a free breakfast between 9.30 and 10am and also provide a hot two-course lunch for 50p between 12-1pm.

The support of local churches and other groups through their kind donations of food, toiletries, clothing and financial contributions is vital in order to deliver these services.
The Glebe Centre is open Monday to Friday between the hours of 9.30-3.30pm and is located at Wednesbury Road, Walsall WS1 3RU, telephone 01922 625687.
Until the 1970s, this site near the town centre was occupied by Wednesbury Road Congregational Church.  Following the demolition of that building, the congregation continued to worship in the new building as Glebe Centre URC. sharing the site with a separate office block.  In 1993, that congregation decided to join with the congregation of Broadway URC.

Broadway URC still manages & maintains the building, working in partnership with Black Country YMCA.
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